Our Mission

The chamber works cooperatively with the business and professional community, the City of Mexico, Audrain County officials, schools, churches, clubs, and organizations.

We believe Mexico is a small-town success story because of the team efforts of concerned citizens, governmental officials and staff, and the chamber. We will continue to be team players and will endeavor to keep our membership informed of what’s happening in our local area and around Missouri.

Chamber Governance

The chamber is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of four officers, four divisional vice presidents, and 12 elected directors representing our membership.

The Executive Committee consists of the:

  • President

  • President-elect

  • Immediate past president

  • Treasurer

  • Vice presidents of operations, business services, community betterment, and civic affairs, and economic development

The Honorary Board (representing the county and city government, education, and health care) keeps us abreast of relative events affecting Mexico. The professional staff includes the executive vice president, an administrative assistant, and the Hello Mexico representative.

Volunteers are involved in the execution of chamber activities and projects and also offer assistance to the staff.